We decided to tell us, without filters, and give you the tools to be able to choose.

Today communication, thanks to the disintermediation offered by social media and the technological tools available to everyone, is considered a convenience and those who do not communicate have something to hide. This is what the market and the stakeholders of reference perceive. Waypoint through the Light For Future project, conceived by Alberto Baesso, could in no way neglect the communicative aspect in a perspective of brand recognition, a transparent story of the company philosophy, the product and the territory in which the current production is rooted. and its industrial future.


From August 2020, a sincere and transparent corporate storytelling was undertaken on the themes and in the context in which the brand is inserted. A story that, through articles, interviews, videos, tutorials and engaging content, provides news and the history of the company, reports, and previews on sector events, the territory that the brand represents, the experiences lived by the people themselves, with the aim of using the contents to offer a solution to specific problems and / or concrete needs of the reference interlocutors that go beyond the simple commercial logic typical of the channels of most, if not all, of our competitors.


The ultimate goal is to create a reference media company for the entire sector by passing through a narrative that allows our followers to get to know the brand becoming, in the future, loyal users capable of being ambassadors of the same. Waypoint has a strong identity and wants to tell it adequately. Furthermore, with the aim of enlarging our external relations with the reference sector, and expanding relationships with professionals and players in the furniture and design segment, we work to build an active community aimed at creating value, from the designer to the consumer.


The public, on the other hand, is increasingly aware of the potential impact of their daily behavior, both on their well-being and on the environment, and has learned to implement responsible and sustainable behaviors, starting from ethical purchases aimed at efficiently using the limited resources available through critical and careful thinking. For this reason, having nothing to hide, we have decided to tell everything about our company, without opportunistic filters, as well as the individual characteristics of the product we make, to give you the possibility, at the time of purchase, to have the necessary tools to be able to do the best choice.