On October 26th we participated in a very interesting meetup with Millionaire magazine within the ARCA Consortium. Startups, small companies, students and recent graduates of the University of Palermo, but not only, met to exchange opinions, experiences and above all to tell the editorial staff of Millionare that Palermo is a fervent university center full of silent activities that they unwind, sometimes without too much fuss, but which allow young Sicilians to actively interact with companies and the world of work. Innovation, digital, territory are the foundation on which the activities of the companies present at ARCA are based, which under its aegis tries to provide support and visibility to these realities.


During this meeting ARCA and its small companies open up and talk to Millionaire, and they choose to do it in the best possible way: no CEO or investors, but young talents. The guys who every day and every morning try to make their way and build a future in a wonderful land like Sicily.

Thus, virtuous startups followed one another such as that of SynbrAIn which deals with developing software through artificial intelligence, Amed which represents an innovative reality in the biomedical field, and Webinarpro which offers services and support for digital training. Many young faces who tell their experience and their story inside the largest business incubator in Sicily.


We have decided to tell our project in Sicily through one of the most representative faces of the Research and Development Department present in the hub of the Sicilian capital, right in ARCA: Francesca Immorlica.


Francesca, has now been in our company ranks for more than a year. We have followed his academic growth, we have curated and developed the prototype for his master's degree thesis in Design and Culture of the Territory, and now he collaborates with us as an apprentice designer. It is from her that this project and the idea of ​​creating a branch in Palermo came to life, where the university's talents can put their knowledge into practice through our consolidated reality.  


Francesca is the most exemplary symbol of what we try to carry out every day at ARCA. In recent months, we have laid the foundations for what will be a team of young Sicilian boys who will represent through their ideas, not only in Italy but also internationally.


We know that the road is long and winding, full of obstacles and pitfalls, changing things is certainly not easy but we are putting everything it takes to succeed: soul, dedication, ideas, willpower and commitment. What is certain is that we will not stop, because we cannot wait to rush towards our bright future.