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Описание товара

The CROSS ceiling lamp is a lighting product suitable for interiors that adapts perfectly to different uses, making it effective and furnishing both in domestic and commercial environments. The item is provided with two lights (length 30cm, height 10cm, depth 17cm) and one light (length 20cm, height 10cm, depth 14cm). Made of metal painted with epoxy powder, it is equipped with a GU10 bulb attachment. Matt black, matt white, blue, green and red, the five different colors to choose from. Cross, like all our lighting products, can be customized according to the individual needs of our customers thanks to the “just in time” production of our company. 80% of Cross components are replaceable in case of damage, in line with the eco-design legislation which will come into force from September 2021. Cross is made entirely in our factories with 100% Made in Italy products and elements.
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Дополнительная информация

Технические характеристики

Disegno tecnico
Высота (cm)
Ширина (cm)
Источник света
Тип цоколя
Лампочка включена
Степень ремонтопригодности
Напряжение (в V)
Световой поток (Лм)
Цветовая температура
95% metal, 5% technical material


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